第二十七篇: 怪异的事故 The Freak Accident | 考研英语词汇故事30篇
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Dr. Kaye, Marty's neurologist, called it a "freak" accident because the chance of it happening to a 10-year-old girl was almost nil. "The fact is, " Dr. Kaye droned, "spinal cord injuries occur most often among men ages 18--24. Paraplegia is generally the result of motor vehicle accidents. Medical science is still in search of a cure,"she had noted with authority.
Marty had heard those words five years ago. At the time Dr. Kaye had given her the bad news, about not walking again, Marty was not listening. She was thinking about the freak accident.
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第二十七篇: 怪异的事故 The Freak Accident