Volume II. Chapter XXV. The March Following -- "Bathsheba Boldwood" |
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We pass rapidly on into the month of March, to a breezy day without sunshine, frost, or dew. On Yallbury Hill, about midway between Weatherbury and Casterbridge, where the turnpike road passes over the crest, a numerous concourse of people had gathered, the eyes of the greater number being frequently stretched afar in a northerly direction. The groups consisted of a throng of idlers, a party of javelin-men, and two trumpeters, and in the midst were carriages, one of which contained the high sheriff. With the idlers, many of whom had mounted to the top of a cutting formed for the road, were several Weatherbury men and boys -- among others Poorgrass, Coggan, and Cain Ball.
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Volume II. Chapter XXV. The March Following -- "Bathsheba Boldwood"