第十二章: 吉普赛女人 | 简爱(简化版)
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No sooner had Mr Mason joined the group of guests than a servant entered to announce the arrival of an old gipsy woman, who was supposed to be a skilled fortune-teller. The ladies were very excited and decided to ask her to tell their fortunes. Miss Ingram, as usual, was first, and spent fifteen minutes alone with the old woman in the library. She came back looking cross.
"It's just childish nonsense! How can you all believe in that sort of thing!" she said, picking up a book and pretending to read it. But as she frowned more and more, and did not turn a page, I assumed that the gipsy's words were more important to her than she wanted us to think. Next, three young ladies went in together, and came back full of praise for the gipsy's skill.
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第十二章: 吉普赛女人