第47场: 1994,禁林边缘 Edge of the Forbidden Forest, 1994 | 哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子
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And we watch our scene from Part One replayed, but at the back of the stage rather than the front. We pick out ALBUS and SCORPIUS in their Durmstrang robes. And through it all we hear the "brilliant" (his words again, his words) LUDO BAGMAN.
SCORPIUS, HERMIONE, RON, and SNAPE watch out anxiously.
LUDO BAGMAN: "And Cedric Diggory has entered the stage. And he seems ready. Scared but ready. He dodges this way. He dodges that. The girls swoon as he dives for cover. They cry as one: Don't damage our Diggory, Mr. Dragon! And Cedric skirts left and he dives right -- and he readies his wand --"
SNAPE: "This is taking too long. The Time-Turner is spinning."
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第47场: 1994,禁林边缘 Edge of the Forbidden Forest, 1994