第九章: 大学的最大收获 | 希拉里回忆录(简化版)
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Being a high school senior also meant thinking about college. I wanta be applying to Smith and Wellesley. My mother thought I should go everywhere I wanted. My father said I was free to do that, but he wouldn't pay if I went west of the Mississippi or to Radcliffe, which he heard was full of beatniks. Smith and Wellesley, which he had never heard of, were acceptable. I never visited either campus, so when I was accepted, I decided on Wellesley based on the photographs of the campus, especially its small Lake Waban, which reminded me of Lake Winola.
I arrived at Wellesley carrying my father's political beliefs and my mother's dreams and left with the beginnings of my own.
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第九章: 大学的最大收获