第二十四章: 奋斗者,终章 The Struggler, Concluded | 偷书贼
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The juggling comes to an end now, but the struggling does not. I have Liesel Meminger in one hand, Max Vandenburg in the other. Soon, I will clap them together. Just give me a few pages.
The struggler:
If they killed him tonight, at least he would die alive.
The train ride was far away now, the snorer most likely tucked up in the carriage she'd made her bed, traveling on. Now there were only footsteps between Max and survival. Footsteps and thoughts, and doubts.
He followed the map in his mind, from Pasing to Molching. It was late when he saw the town. His legs ached terribly, but he was nearly there -- the most dangerous place to be. Close enough to touch it.
Just as it was described, he found Munich Street and made his way along the footpath.
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第二十四章: 奋斗者,终章 The Struggler, Concluded