第三十五章 | 宠儿(第一部)
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"They open to the sun, but not the birds, 'cause snakes down in there and the birds know it, so they just grow -- fat and sweet -- with nobody to bother em 'cept me because don't nobody go in that piece of water but me and ain't too many legs willing to glide down that bank to get them. Me neither. But I was willing that day. Somehow or 'nother I was willing. And they whipped me, I'm telling you. Tore me up. But I filled two buckets anyhow. And took em over to Baby Suggs' house. It was on from then on. Such a cooking you never see no more. We baked, fried and stewed everything God put down here.
Everybody came. Everybody stuffed. Cooked so much there wasn't a stick of kirdlin left for the next day. I volunteered to do it. And next morning I come over, like I promised, to do it."
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