第三十九章: 朋友劝希拉里参加竞选 | 希拉里回忆录(简化版)
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Republicans and the media pundits thought Democrats would lose up to 30 House seats and 4 to 6 Senate seats. Instead, Democrats won seats in the House, the first time since 1822 that a President's party had done so in his second term.
Another surprise soon followed. Three days later, Friday, November 6, Senator Moynihan taped an interview announcing that he would not run for a fifth term. The interview was to be aired on Sunday morning, but the news leaked early.
Late on Friday night, the White House operator patched through a call from Representative Charlie Rangel, the veteran Congressman from Harlem and a good friend.
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第三十九章: 朋友劝希拉里参加竞选