第四十四章: 日寇屠杀曼娘自缢,京华论陷经亚南逃 | 京华烟云
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No news of the murder of Inging was permitted to be published in the Peking newspapers. Most of the Chinese papers were closed down, and a puppet paper, called Regeneration, which had been suppressed in June, was now revived. Some copies of the Catholic paper published in the Italian Concession at Tientsin were smuggled through and brought a high price, but the news dealers were subject to arrest for selling it. The puppet paper printed only news given out by Domei, the Japanese news agency, and cables from Tokyo, and editorials about the "New Order in Asia." Peking was cut off from the rest of China, and only the more well-to-do had radio sets, which they anxiously tuned in on the news broadcast from Nanking.
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第四十四章: 日寇屠杀曼娘自缢,京华论陷经亚南逃