第二十六章: 比尔发表电视演说道歉 | 希拉里回忆录(简化版)
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David Kendall had alerted the TV networks that Bill would briefly address the nation at to P. M. eastern standard time. Some of Bill's most trusted advisers gathered in the Solarium to help him work on his statement. David Kendall was there, as was Chelsea, who was trying to make sense of what was happening. I stayed away, at first. I didn't much want to help Bill compose his public statement on a matter that violated my sense of decency and privacy. Finally, though, out of habit, maybe curiosity, perhaps love, I went upstairs. When I walked into the room at about 8 P. M., someone quickly switched off the sound on the television set. They knew I couldn't stand to hear whatever was being said. When I asked how things were going, it was clear that Bill still hadn't decided what to say.
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第二十六章: 比尔发表电视演说道歉