第十三章: 希斯克利夫的儿子在呼啸山庄 | 呼啸山庄(简化版)
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1797 Linton was very surprised to be woken so early, and told that he had another journey to make, before break fast. As we rode the four miles to Wuthering Heights, he kept asking me questions abut his new home, and the father he had never seen. When we arrived, Heathcliff, Hareton, and Joseph all came out of the house to inspect the child.
"Master, that's not a boy," said Joseph after a while. "Look at that white skin and fair hair! Mr Edgar's sent you his daughter instead!"
"God! What a beautiful creature!" laughed Heathcliff scornfully. "That's worse than I expected!"
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第十三章: 希斯克利夫的儿子在呼啸山庄