第三十三章: 一个叫欧维的男人和一次非比寻常的巡逻 A Man Called Ove and an Inspection Tour That is Not the Usual |
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Sometimes it is difficult to explain why some men suddenly do the things they do. Sometimes, of course, it's because they know they'll do them sooner or later anyway, and so they may as well just do them now. And sometimes it's the pure opposite -- because they realize they should have done them long ago. Ove has probably known all along what he has to do, but all people at root are time optimists. We always think there's enough time to do things with other people. Time to say things to them. And then something happens and then we stand there holding on to words like "if."
As he marches down the stairs the next morning, he stops in the hallway. It hasn't smelled like this in the house since Sonja died. Watchfully he takes the last few steps down, lands on the parquet floor, and stands in the doorway of the kitchen, his body language that of a man who has just caught a thief red-handed.
"Is that you who's been toasting bread?"
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第三十三章: 一个叫欧维的男人和一次非比寻常的巡逻 A Man Called Ove and an Inspection Tour That is Not the Usual