第十章: 伟大的志愿与寒微的家境 A Generous Heart and a Meagre Fortune | 红与黑
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But passion most dissembles, yet betrays, Even by its darkness; as the blackest sky foretells the heaviest tempest. -- Don Juan, C. I, st. 73.
M. de Rênal, who was going round all the rooms in the house, returned to the childrens' room with the servants who were bringing back the mattresses. The sudden appearance of this man was the last straw for Julien.
Looking paler and more sombre than usual, Julien rushed towards him. M. de Rênal stopped and glanced at his servants.
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第十章: 伟大的志愿与寒微的家境 A Generous Heart and a Meagre Fortune