乌龟和大象 The Tortoise and the Elephant | 英语美文: 童话
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I think of myself as the smartest of birds. I never trouble myself with work or danger. I sit shrugging on a tree, or spread my shaggy wings and flap lazily over the African plains. When I see a lion eating its kill, I wait for it to finish, and then hop down and pick the bones clean. Leftovers are easy and tasty meat. So you see, we vultures live off the work of others. Is that not the cleverest way to live?
But the other day I saw an animal pull off a trick that even impressed a wise old bird like me. He wasn't much to look at -- just a stumpy-legged, sleepy-eyed, wrinkly-mouthed tortoise. He did not exactly seem like a quick thinker, but do not let his slow steps fool you. His heavy hard shell hides a mind of cunning.
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乌龟和大象 The Tortoise and the Elephant