第二部 第十章: 威慑纪元最后十分钟,62年11月28日16:17:34至16:27:58,奥尔特星云外,“万有引力”号和“蓝色空间”号 The Final Ten Minutes of the Deterrence Era, Year 62, November 28, 4:17:34 P.M. to 4:27:58 P.M.: Gravity and Blue Space, Deep Space | 三体3: 死神永生
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When the klaxons announced the droplet attack, only one man aboard Gravity felt a sense of relief: James Hunter, the oldest on the crew. He was seventy-eight, and everyone called him Old Hunter.
Half a century ago, at Fleet Command in Jupiter's orbit, a twenty-seven-year-old Hunter had received his mission from the chief of staff.
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第二部 第十章: 威慑纪元最后十分钟,62年11月28日16:17:34至16:27:58,奥尔特星云外,“万有引力”号和“蓝色空间”号 The Final Ten Minutes of the Deterrence Era, Year 62, November 28, 4:17:34 P.M. to 4:27:58 P.M.: Gravity and Blue Space, Deep Space