第六卷 第二章: 托马茜在罗马古道边的绿草地上漫步 Thomasin Walks in a Green Place by the Roman Road | 还乡
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Clym saw little of Thomasin for several days after this; and when they met she was more silent than usual. At length he asked her what she was thinking of so intently.
"I am thoroughly perplexed," she said candidly. "I cannot for my life think who it is that Diggory Venn is so much in love with. None of the girls at the Maypole were good enough for him, and yet she must have been there."
Clym tried to imagine Venn's choice for a moment; but ceasing to be interested in the question he went on again with his gardening.
No clearing up of the mystery was granted her for some time. But one afternoon Thomasin was upstairs getting ready for a walk, when she had occasion to come to the landing and call "Rachel." Rachel was a girl about thirteen, who carried the baby out for airings; and she came upstairs at the call.
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第六卷 第二章: 托马茜在罗马古道边的绿草地上漫步 Thomasin Walks in a Green Place by the Roman Road