第六章 | 高老头
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At two o'clock in the afternoon Bianchon came to wake Rastignac, and begged him to take charge of Goriot, who had grown worse as the day wore on.
The medical student was obliged to go out.
"Poor old man, he has not two days to live, maybe not many hours," he said; "but we must do our utmost, all the same, to fight the disease. It will be a very troublesome case, and we shall want money. We can nurse him between us, of course, but, for my own part, I have not a penny. I have turned out his pockets, and rummaged through his drawers -- result, nix. I asked him about it while his mind was clear, and he told me he had not a farthing of his own. What have you?"
"I have twenty francs left," said Rastignac; "but I will take them to the roulette table, I shall be sure to win."
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