Chapter 8: Gen. Jinjur's Army of Revolt | 绿野仙踪
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Tip was so anxious to rejoin his man Jack and the Saw-Horse that he walked a full half the distance to the Emerald City without stopping to rest. Then he discovered that he was hungry and the crackers and cheese he had provided for the Journey had all been eaten.
While wondering what he should do in this emergency he came upon a girl sitting by the roadside. She wore a costume that struck the boy as being remarkably brilliant: her silken waist being of emerald green and her skirt of four distinct colors -- blue in front, yellow at the left side, red at the back and purple at the right side. Fastening the waist in front were four buttons -- the top one blue, the next yellow, a third red and the last purple.
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Chapter 8: Gen. Jinjur's Army of Revolt