第十六章: 准备婚礼 | 简爱(简化版)
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I was a little nervous before seeing Mr Rochester next morning. Was I really going to marry him, or was it all a dream? But I soon felt calmer when he came to meet me and kissed me.
"Jane, you look well and smiling and pretty," he said. "You will be Jane Rochester in four weeks' time, not a day more. I'll send for my family jewels, which are kept in a London bank. They are for my bride, whether she's a great lady or a governess."
"Oh no, sir!" I cried. "I'm too plain for jewels! I'm not used to wearing them."
"I insist, Jane. Today I'm taking you in the carriage to Millcote to buy you some elegant clothes. In a month's time we'll have a quiet wedding in the local church, and after a few days in London we'll travel through all the countries of Europe."
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第十六章: 准备婚礼