第十章: 卡西弗向苏菲许诺的暗示 In which Calcifer promises Sophie a hint | 哈尔的移动城堡
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Howl must have come back while Sophie and Michael were out. He came out of the bathroom while Sophie was frying breakfast on Calcifer, and sat gracefully in the chair, groomed and glowing and smelling of honeysuckle.
"Dear Sophie," he said. "Always busy. You were hard at work yesterday, weren't you, in spite of my advice? Why have you made a jigsaw puzzle of my best suit? Just a friendly inquiry, you know."
"You jellied it the other day," said Sophie. "I'm making it over."
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第十章: 卡西弗向苏菲许诺的暗示 In which Calcifer promises Sophie a hint