第15场: 哈利和金妮·波特的家中,厨房 Harry and Ginny Potter's House, Kitchen | 哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子
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HARRY, RON, HERMIONE, and GINNY sit, eating together.
HERMIONE: "I've told Draco again and again -- no one in the Ministry is saying anything about Scorpius. The rumors aren't coming from us."
GINNY: "I wrote to him -- after he lost Astoria -- to ask if there's anything we could do. I thought maybe -- as he was such a good friend to Albus -- maybe Scorpius might want to stay over part of the Christmas break or… My owl came back with a letter containing one simple sentence: 'Tell your husband to refute these allegations about my son once and for all.'"
HERMIONE: "He's obsessed."
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第15场: 哈利和金妮·波特的家中,厨房 Harry and Ginny Potter's House, Kitchen