一口一口地吃 One Bite at a Time | 英语美文: 校园
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Stephen was on campus to enroll when I first met him. One summer day I was heading over to the administration building when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Philip, one of our admission counselors standing with another young man. I walked over to them.
As Philip introduced me to the young man, he reminded him that he would be taking one of my General Education classes, Introduction to Biblical Literature.
Stephen looked at me. With a somewhat pained expression he asked if my class was going to be "hard." Would he be able to pass? I sensed he was reconciling himself to failing before the opening day of classes.
We talked about what the class would cover and all the things he would be expected to learn. It is a course in which we will cram a lot of facts and details into one semester. As I talked, I saw Stephen's eyes getting big with fear.
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一口一口地吃 One Bite at a Time