第三章: 末代人类 The Last Generation 第十五节 | 童年的终结
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"Look at this!" exploded George Greggson, hurling the paper across at Jean. It came to rest, despite her efforts to intercept it, spread listlessly across the breakfast table. Jean patiently scraped away the jam and read the offending passage, doing her best to register disapproval. She was not very good at this, because all too often she agreed with the critics. Usually she kept these heretical opinions to herself; and not merely for the sake of peace and quiet. George was perfectly prepared to accept praise from her (or anyone else), but if she ventured any criticism of his work she would receive a crushing lecture on her artistic ignorance.
She read the review twice, then gave up. It appeared quite favourable, and she said so.
"He seemed to like the performance. What are you grumbling about?"
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第三章: 末代人类 The Last Generation 第十五节