Volume 3 Book 8 Chapter 16: In Which Will Be Found the Words to an English Air Which Was in Fashion in 1832 | 悲惨世界
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Marius seated himself on his bed. It might have been half-past five o'clock. Only half an hour separated him from what was about to happen. He heard the beating of his arteries as one hears the ticking of a watch in the dark. He thought of the double march which was going on at that moment in the dark, -- crime advancing on one side, justice coming up on the other. He was not afraid, but he could not think without a shudder of what was about to take place. As is the case with all those who are suddenly assailed by an unforeseen adventure, the entire day produced upon him the effect of a dream, and in order to persuade himself that he was not the prey of a nightmare, he had to feel the cold barrels of the steel pistols in his trousers pockets.
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Volume 3 Book 8 Chapter 16: In Which Will Be Found the Words to an English Air Which Was in Fashion in 1832