第三十七章: 司法委员会主席的双重标准 | 希拉里回忆录(简化版)
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On October 7, a delegation of freshmen House members came to see me in the White House. Once again, we met in the Yellow Oval Room as sunlight streamed through the windows. They were worried that the Republicans would force an impeachment vote before the midterm election. I gave the best pep talk I could. "We can't let them hound the President out of office," I said. "Not like this. You're members of Congress. Your job is to protect the Constitution and do what's right for the country. So let's walk through this."
The consensus among Democrats and the few remaining moderate Republicans on the Hill was that censure -- a vote of reprimand -- would be the most appropriate response to Bill's behavior. But powerful Republicans were adamantly opposed to the compromise. Henry Hyde, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, derided the notion of censure as "impeachment lite."
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第三十七章: 司法委员会主席的双重标准