第八章: 穿红衬衣的男孩儿 The Boy in the Red Shirt | 铁路少年(简化版)
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"The boys from the school in Maidbridge" are having a paper-chase today," said Bobbie, the next morning. "Perks thinks they'll go along beside the railway line. We could go and watch."
There were men working on the railway line, and the children began by watching them. They almost forgot the paper-chase, and were surprised when a voice said, "Let me pass, please." It was the first boy from the school.
"He's the "hare"," explained Bobbie. "All the other boys are the "hounds" and they have to chase after him."
There was a bag under the hare's arm. It was full of pieces of paper, which he dropped behind him for the other boys to follow. They watched as he ran into the black mouth of the tunnel.
The workmen watched him, too.
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第八章: 穿红衬衣的男孩儿 The Boy in the Red Shirt