第三十六章: 卡西和埃米琳 Emmeline and Cassy | 汤姆叔叔的小屋
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Cassy entered the room, and found Emmeline sitting, pale with fear, in the furthest corner of it. As she came in, the girl started up nervously; but, on seeing who it was, rushed forward, and catching her arm, said, "O Cassy, is it you? I'm so glad you've come! I was afraid it was --. O, you don't know what a horrid noise there has been, down stairs, all this evening!"
"I ought to know," said Cassy, dryly. "I've heard it often enough."
"O Cassy! do tell me,-- couldn't we get away from this place? I don't care where,-- into the swamp among the snakes,-- anywhere! Couldn't we get somewhere away from here?"
"Nowhere, but into our graves," said Cassy.
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第三十六章: 卡西和埃米琳 Emmeline and Cassy