Chapter 8: Why Do Parents Behave This Way? The Family System | 原生家庭: 如何修补自己的性格缺陷
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We are all forged in a crucible called family. In recent years, we have come to recognize that "family" is more than a collection of related people. It is a system, a group of interconnecting people, each of whom affects the others in profound and often hidden ways. It is a complex network of love, jealousy, pride, anxiety, joy, guilt -- a constant ebb and flow of the full range of human emotions. These emotions bubble up through a murky sea of family attitudes, perceptions, and relationships. And like the sea, very little of the inner workings of a family system is visible from the surface. The deeper you dive, the more you discover.
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Chapter 8: Why Do Parents Behave This Way? The Family System