第七章: 小山上奇怪的壕沟 The Hill os The Strange Trenches | 纳尼亚传奇4: 银椅
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There Is no denying it was a beast of a day. Overhead was a sunless sky, muffled in clouds that were heavy with snow; underfoot, a black frost; blowing over it, a wind that felt as if it would take your skin off. When they got down into the plain they found that this part of the ancient road was much more ruinous than any they had yet seen. They had to pick their way over great broken stones and between boulders and across rubble: hard going for sore feet. And, however tired they got, it was far too cold for a halt.
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第七章: 小山上奇怪的壕沟 The Hill os The Strange Trenches