第九章: 拜天地孤独不成偶,入洞房凄凉又辛酸 | 京华烟云
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Thanks to Mulan, the wedding of Mannia was more like a wed-ding than it might have been. No announcements were sent to friends and relatives and none but Mulan's family and one other family, the News, came to know about it. To those who learned of it afterward, Mr. and Mrs. Tseng apologized on the ground that the bridegroom was ill and no dinners were given. Still the fact that the bride was living in a different house made it possible to have the form of a bridal procession and have the exchange of gifts made with some show of formality.
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第九章: 拜天地孤独不成偶,入洞房凄凉又辛酸