第七章: 奥古斯特·杜邦的访客 A visitor for Auguste Dupin | 莫格街谋杀案(简化版)
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"Be ready with your guns," said Dupin. "But don't use them or show them until I say."
The front door of the house was open, and the visitor was already half way up the stairs. The feet stopped for a moment, then began again, and a few seconds later there was a knock on the door of our room.
"Come in," called Dupin, in a friendly way.
The door opened and a man came in. He was a sailor, clearly -- a tall, strong man, with a sunburnt face. He was carrying a heavy stick, but no gun. He looked first at me, then at Dupin, and did not smile.
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第七章: 奥古斯特·杜邦的访客 A visitor for Auguste Dupin