第五十四章: 走向达豪的漫漫长路 The Long Walk to Dachau | 偷书贼
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Some people said that the truck had broken down, but I can personally testify that this was not the case. I was there.
What had happened was an ocean sky, with whitecap clouds.
Also, there was more than just the one vehicle. Three trucks don't all break down at once.
When the soldiers pulled over to share some food and cigarettes and to poke at the package of Jews, one of the prisoners collapsed from starvation and sickness. I have no idea where the convoy had traveled from, but it was perhaps four miles from Molching, and many steps more to the concentration camp at Dachau.
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第五十四章: 走向达豪的漫漫长路 The Long Walk to Dachau