第十章: 哈默大伯卖掉车子 | 黑色棉花田
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"How does it look!" asked Papa as I passed through the sitting room on my way out the side door.
Over a week had passed since he had been injured, and this was his first morning up. He was seated by the cold fireplace, his head still bandaged, his broken leg resting on a wooden chair. His eyes were on Mama at her desk.
Mama put down her pencil and frowned at the open ledger before her. She glanced at me absently and waited until I had closed the screen door behind me, then she said, "David, do you think we should go into this now? You're still not well --"
"I'm well enough to know there's not much left. Now tell me."
I hopped down the steps and sat on the bottom one.
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第十章: 哈默大伯卖掉车子