第二十七章: 香料热红酒 Mulled Wine | 外婆的道歉信
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The wurse wakes Elsa up later that night because it needs a pee. She mumbles sleepily that maybe the wurse shouldn't have drunk so much mulled wine and tries to go back to sleep. But unfortunately the wurse begins to look sort of like wurses do when they're planning to pee on a Gryffindor scarf, whereupon Elsa snatches the scarf away and reluctantly agrees to take it out.
When they get out of the wardrobe, Elsa's mum and the boy with a syndrome's mum are still up making up the beds.
"It needs a pee," Elsa explains wearily. Mum nods reluctantly but says she has to take Alf with her.
Elsa nods. The boy with a syndrome's mum smiles at her.
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第二十七章: 香料热红酒 Mulled Wine