战胜胆怯 Overcoming Shyness | 英语美文: 校园
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I was a shy kid. To me, people were complex, intimidating, unpredictable, and unknown. I didn't even like to answer the telephone for fear I'd have to talk to somebody I didn't know. I enjoyed the solitude of exploring the golden California hills that were near my home. Winding along hills and streams was invigorating yet peaceful.
However, at school I had to spend all day in the company of others. My escape was reading. Reading was acceptable and it was solitary. Studying was another thing I could do quietly and by myself. I spent a lot of time studying and was rewarded with good grades. My one downfall was Spanish -- I'd get all As on my written work and tests, but Ds and Fs on the spoken part. I simply could not get up in front of the class to speak those simple dialogues.
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战胜胆怯 Overcoming Shyness