第三章: 机舱里 In the Engine Room | 格雷丝·达林
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"Mr Donovan!"
"The captain wants to see you. You're an engineer, aren't you? Come this way, please." The sailor opened a door and Daniel went quickly inside. They went down some stairs. He opened another door, and a great cloud of steam came out. Daniel followed the young sailor into the room. It was very hot in here, and there were clouds of steam everywhere. A tall, red-faced man came up to him.
"Mr Donovan? My name's Humble, Captain Humble. We need you, sir. You're an engineer, I understand. One of these engines has already stopped, and the other is working very badly. There's too much steam in this room, sir, and not…"
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第三章: 机舱里 In the Engine Room