第十二章: 爱迪在天堂里遇见的第二个人 The Second Person Eddie Meets in Heaven | 你在天堂里遇见的五个人
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Eddie felt his feet touch ground. The sky was changing again, from cobalt blue to charcoal gray, and Eddie was surrounded now by fallen trees and blackened rubble. He grabbed his arms, shoulders, thighs, and calves. He felt stronger than before, but when he tried to touch his toes, he could no longer do so. The limberness was gone. No more childish rubbery sensation. Every muscle he had was as tight as piano wire.
He looked around at the lifeless terrain. On a nearby hill lay a busted wagon and the rotting bones of an animal. Eddie felt a hot wind whip across his face. The sky exploded to a flaming yellow.
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第十二章: 爱迪在天堂里遇见的第二个人 The Second Person Eddie Meets in Heaven