第三章: 阿梅莉亚·塞德利几乎绝望 Amelia Sedley nearly loses hope | 名利场(简化版)
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And what has happened to Amelia Sedley during this time? While Rebecca was working so hard to make her future safe with the Crawley family, her dear friend Amelia had nothing to do but to sit in her comfortable home, with loving parents, and wait for George Osborne's visits.
Unfortunately, these visits were not at all frequent. George was often with his regiment down in Kent, and when he was in London, he seemed to have so many other things to do, so many friends to see, so many games of cards to play. Amelia saw more of his sisters, Miss Jane Osborne and Miss Maria Osborne, since the Osbornes' home was just the other side of Russell Square.
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第三章: 阿梅莉亚·塞德利几乎绝望 Amelia Sedley nearly loses hope