第三十章: 香水 Perfume | 外婆的道歉信
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Only one person collapses with a heart attack late on Christmas Eve. But two hearts are broken. And the house is never quite the same again.
It all starts with the boy waking up late in the afternoon and feeling hungry. The wurse and Samantha come flopping out of the wardrobe because the mulled wine is finished. Elsa marches in circles around Alf and intimates that it's time to get the Santa suit. Elsa and the wurse follow Alf down to the garage. He gets into Taxi. When Elsa opens the passenger door and sticks her head in and asks what he's doing, he turns the ignition key and grunts: "If I have to impersonate Santa for the rest of the day, I'm nipping out for a newspaper first."
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第三十章: 香水 Perfume