第十四章: 高文的第二次浮想 Gawain's Second Reverie | 被掩埋的巨人
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This cursed wind. Is this a storm before us? Horace will mind neither wind nor rain, only that a stranger sits astride him now and not his old master. "Just a weary woman," I tell him, "with greater need of the saddle than me. So carry her in good grace." Yet why is she here at all? Does Master Axl not see how frail she grows? Has he lost his mind to bring her to these unforgiving heights? But she presses on as determined as he, and nothing I say will turn them back. So I stagger here on foot, a hand on Horace's bridle, heaving this rusty coat. "Did we not always serve ladies with courtesy?" I murmur to Horace. "Would we ride on, leaving this good couple tugging at their goat?"
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第十四章: 高文的第二次浮想 Gawain's Second Reverie