第七章: 一月三日,星期五 Friday, January 3 | 千禧年1: 龙纹身的女孩
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Erika set her coffee cup on the table and stood by the window looking out at the view of Gamla Stan. It was 9:00 in the morning. All the snow had been washed away by the rain over New Year's.
"I've always loved this view," she said. "An apartment like this would make me give up living in Saltsjöbaden."
"You've got the keys. You can move over from your upper-class reserve any time you want," Blomkvist said. He closed the suitcase and put it by the front door.
Berger turned and gave him a disbelieving look. "You can't be serious, Mikael," she said. "We're in our worst crisis and you're packing to go and live in Tjottahejti."
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第七章: 一月三日,星期五 Friday, January 3