第十五章: 布斯巴顿和德姆斯特朗 Beauxbatons and Durmstrang | 哈利波特4: 火焰杯
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Early next morning, Harry woke with a plan fully formed in his mind, as though his sleeping brain had been working on it all night. He got up, dressed in the pale dawn light, left the dormitory without waking Ron, and went back down to the deserted common room. Here he took a piece of parchment from the table upon which his Divination homework still lay and wrote the following letter:
Dear Sirius, I reckon I just imagined my scar hurting, I was half asleep when I wrote to you last time. There's no point coming back, everything's fine here. Don't worry about me, my head feels completely normal.
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第十五章: 布斯巴顿和德姆斯特朗 Beauxbatons and Durmstrang