第5章: 法兰克福的家 A House in Frankfurt | 海蒂(简化版)
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The house Heidi traveled to in Frankfurt belonged to the wealthy Mr. Sesemann. His wife had died long ago leaving him with his daughter, Clara. Clara spent her days in a wheelchair. Since her father was often away, he hired Miss Rottenmeier to look after her. His only rule was that Clara must never be crossed in any way. Her happiness was a must.
Miss Rottenmeier was not a friendly woman. She took charge of Clara and the servants and barked orders and demands all day long.
When Detie rang the bell, Miss Rottenmeier inspected the visitors.
"Clara has been expecting you," she said to Heidi. "What's your name?"
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第5章: 法兰克福的家 A House in Frankfurt