第十八章: 马格韦契的故事结束 | 远大前程(简化版)
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It was a cold, bright morning when we set out cheerfully down the river. I steered the boat, Herbert and Startop rowed. At Clara's house Magwitch was waiting for us, wrapped in a dark cloak.
"Dear boy!" he said, putting his hand on my shoulder as he sat down heavily in the boat. "Thank you!"
We rowed eastwards down the river all day, looking round all the time to check that no one was following us Magwitch seemed quite happy, smoking his pipe and watching the water.
"You don't know what a pleasure it is to me, Pip," he said once, "to be with my dear boy, in the open air."
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第十八章: 马格韦契的故事结束