第二幕 第二场: 林中的另一处 Another part of the wood | 仲夏夜之梦
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Enter Titania with her Train.
TITANIA: Come, now a roundel and a fairy song; Then for the third part of a minute, hence; Some to kill cankers in the musk-rose buds; Some war with reremice for their leathern wings, To make my small elves coats; and some keep back The clamorous owl, that nightly hoots and wonders At our quaint spirits. Sing me now asleep; Then to your offices, and let me rest.
Fairies sing.
FIRST FAIRY: You spotted snakes with double tongue, Thorny hedgehogs, be not seen; Newts and blind-worms do no wrong, Come not near our Fairy Queen:
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第二幕 第二场: 林中的另一处 Another part of the wood