第十七章 | 摆渡人2: 重返荒原
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"This is it." Susanna turned a corner and swept her hand out. "This is the street where you died."
Jack stared down the road, a jumble of high-rise apartments and short blocks of rowhouses. There were no gardens to speak of, no trees to line the road. Just ugly concrete and rusting vehicles. A lot of the buildings had their windows boarded up; any empty walls were tagged with graffiti. It was a miserable place, made even more so by the darkness that shrouded it. In the last hour, the midmorning light had steadily dimmed until the sky above them was as dark as it had been the moment he'd died.
"I should never have come here." Jack scuffed his worn sneaker against the curb. "It was stupid, wandering around on my own."
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