Volume 1 Book 2 Chapter 4: Details Concerning the Cheese-dairies of Pontarlier | 悲惨世界
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Now, in order to convey an idea of what passed at that table, we cannot do better than to transcribe here a passage from one of Mademoiselle Baptistine's letters to Madame Boischevron, wherein the conversation between the convict and the Bishop is described with ingenious minuteness.
"… This man paid no attention to any one. He ate with the voracity of a starving man. However, after supper he said:
"'Monsieur le Curé of the good God, all this is far too good for me; but I must say that the carters who would not allow me to eat with them keep a better table than you do.'
"Between ourselves, the remark rather shocked me. My brother replied: --
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Volume 1 Book 2 Chapter 4: Details Concerning the Cheese-dairies of Pontarlier