第13章: 克拉拉的来访 Clara Finally Visits | 海蒂(简化版)
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The winter months finally melted and the flowers were in bloom once more. Heidi was back running around the mountaintops feeling free. Grandfather had been busy with his hammer and saw. When her curiosity got the best of her, Heidi went to see what Grandfather was making.
"I know what you're doing," said Heidi. She pointed to a chair. "That is a chair for Grandmamma, isn't it? And this one is for Clara. They will love them, Grandfather. I'm sure they'll be here soon as promised."
Peter's whistle could be heard in the wind. "I've come with a letter for Heidi!" he shouted.
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第13章: 克拉拉的来访 Clara Finally Visits