第14章: 大山上的奇迹 A Miracle in the Mountains | 海蒂(简化版)
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The next morning, Heidi woke up to find Clara already dressed and being carried downstairs by Grandfather. Heidi rushed to dress and met them outside in the sunshine. It was the very first time Clara had been out in the open country so early. She inhaled the cool mountain air and the scent of the trees and flowers.
"I wish I could stay here forever. Green is such a lovely color and it's surrounding us. Wherever we look, I see green. In Frankfurt, I only see stones,"Clara said.
Grandfather came out of the hut with milk for the girls. "Drink up, Clara. Good health to you!"
Peter appeared with the goats. Again, he ignored the girls. After rounding up Daisy and Dusky, he yelled to Heidi, "Are you coming up to the pasture with me today?"
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第14章: 大山上的奇迹 A Miracle in the Mountains