第三十三章: 论中西辜老发奇论,悟签文玉女溺荷池 | 京华烟云
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One day in late spring a strikingly beautiful Manchu girl, introduced by Mrs. Hua, came to offer her service in the Yao Garden as a domestic. Her name was Paofen, or Rare Perfume. When asked where her parents lived, she hesitated and said it was somewhere in the West City. Whether from shyness or embarrassment or some other cause, there was an air of mystery about her. Mrs. Hua came with her and said that a Manchu friend had introduced her at her shop. She said that Paofen came from a very good family, but that she was now compelled to go out to work as a servant.
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第三十三章: 论中西辜老发奇论,悟签文玉女溺荷池